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Terms and Conditions of Easy.gr

1 Introduction and Legal Notice

1.1 easy.gr, is a website for the sale of products and services via the Internet created by Europlanet incorporated under GreeK law.
The details of the company are the following:

Name: Europlanet OE
Headquarters: Pefki, Attica
Address: 53 Irini Avenue, PC: 15121
Tax Identification Number: 099057539
Tax Office: Maroussi
Tel. +30 2106147370
Fax: +30 2106143720
Contact email: support@easy.gr

Our offices are open on regular business days from 09:00 until 17:00 local times

From now on the reference to easy.gr will include Europlanet OE. . The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the easy.gr website, which is located at www.easy.gr and the services provided by easy.gr. By using the website or the services provided by easy.gr, the users indicate the full acceptance of the terms and conditions that easy.gr. has set or will set in the future.


1.2 If a user or user representative does not agree with these terms and conditions, then he must not use the website and the services of easy.gr. The users of the easy.gr services or the visitors of the website www.easy.gr will hereinafter be referred to as the "user of the service", regardless of whether they place orders for services or products from easy.gr.



2. Intellectual property rights.



2.1 This website is one of the official online stores of easy.gr. All content of the website, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of easy.gr and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. All content on the site has been submitted to a notary public who has certified the intellectual property.



2.2 It is prohibited to copy, distribute, transfer, process, resell, create a derivative work or mislead the public about the actual provider of the Content of the website. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of easy.gr or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and insignia that represent easy.gr or third parties and their products or services, are exclusive marks of easy.gr or third parties protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.



3. Services and Responsibilities of easy.gr.


3.1 The user of the service confirms that the material that he will "upload" to the server will be ready and will not need any additional processing from easy.gr to work. Easy.gr has the right to access the files, websites and data of the user of the service.


3.2 easy.gr notifies by email to the user of the service the way in which he can access his Control Panel and the way of publishing his files on the Internet, the installation of his email accounts as well as the necessity of studying the user manual of its virtual server and its Control Panel.


3.3 The user of the service agrees that he has the necessary knowledge for the construction / publication on the Internet of his websites and that easy.gr is not responsible to impart this knowledge or other programming knowledge to the user of the service or to train him. Easy.gr is not obliged to provide technical support except in the cases specified herein. Easy.gr could exceptionally, if it so wishes, provide support and suggestions on issues not related to the hosting of the website (additional Technical Support).



3.4 Any request for additional Technical Support can be rejected by easy.gr with or without reason. It is at the exclusive choice of easy.gr whether it will provide any additional Technical Support and if it is done once, it can be stopped at any time without notice and without any obligation or responsibility for easy.gr.



3.5 easy.gr does not control the content of the information that passes through the network of its servers, nor does it guarantee the reliability of any information that appears on the internet through or because of its services. In addition, it does not guarantee the commercial or personal solvency of anyone who appears on the internet or the fulfillment of any specific promises / offers from third parties and is not responsible for any damages that may occur to the user of the service or those who trade with him, including the loss of data.

3.6 The use of any information provided through the Internet is the responsibility of the user and easy.gr has no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of this information. The connection speed reported on the website represents the speed to the backbone and not the end-to-end speed.



3.7 easy.gr is not responsible for any damage caused in case of non-availability of the network or system and does not guarantee that the hosting service will be uninterrupted or no mistake will be made, due to the special nature of the Internet and networks through which information is disseminated.



3.8 easy.gr, under any circumstances and circumstances and for any reason, has no responsibility for any damage arising from the use, availability or non-availability of the services it offers.



3.9 easy.gr regularly upgrades installed applications that exist on its servers in order to maintain the security levels at the highest possible level and to provide the latest versions of Plesk Control Panel, Php, MySQL, ASP.net, Perl, Zend, Ioncube etc. It is the exclusive obligation of the user of the service to update accordingly his code pages (the php code, mysql queries, asp etc of the websites that the user of the service maintains in the space provided by easy.gr) so that it is compatible with its servers. Easy.gr is not responsible for any loss, damage or moral damage resulting from these upgrades as well as the inability or unwillingness of the service user to adapt their websites to the upgraded versions of the various applications and computer programming languages ​​that have installed on the servers of easy.gr.



3.10 easy.gr does not bear any responsibility or obligation for compensation for any loss, damage and non-pecuniary damage resulting from inability to provide services or Technical Support and the user of the service undertakes to accept that it will not raise any claims.



3.11 easy.gr regularly backs up the files and databases of Customers who use hosting services on its servers. Backup files from backup are charged. Easy.gr does not bear any responsibility in case the backup is not updated or can not be used. The user of the service is obliged to back up his files and databases using the corresponding Backup / Restore tool provided through Easy Plesk Panel. For security reasons, the backup should be transferred via FTP to the service user's computer.



3.12 easy.gr will deliver the services / products within a few minutes from the moment of payment. In some cases, due to the nature of the service, delivery may be delayed by hours or days.



3.13 easy.gr will cooperate with the competent authorities for law enforcement and regarding the space, the data, the e-mails and the content of the service user. This may result in easy.gr disclosing all information provided to easy.gr, including information contained in easy.gr servers, files and the user's databases.



3.14 easy.gr is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order or from the form of service. It is also reserved regarding the delivery time of the products / services in cases of force majeure.




3.15 easy.gr enters into partnerships or alliances with other companies and suppliers. The user of the service acknowledges and agrees that easy.gr is in no way responsible for the products or services of any third party, nor will it be responsible and exposed to the user of the service or any third party for any claims arising from the provision of these of products or services.



3.16 All web hosting accounts automatically display a "Under Construction" page as soon as they are activated. This page informs users that the hosting package has been created at easy.gr. The "Under Construction" page can be removed by the user at any time, once they have access to the web hosting account. The "Under Construction" page may contain items such as:


(1) links to easy.gr products or services


(2) advertisements for third party products or services; and


(3) Internet information search form.

3.17 The website of our company Easy.gr uses cookies for the best browsing experience. More information .


4. Regulation for the Management and Assignment of Domain Names.



4.1 The user of the service
and / or the future owner of the domain names must read, understand and agree with the Regulations for the Management and Assignment of Domain Names and any amendments thereto. List of .GR Regulatory Texts is available at http://www.eett.gr/opencms/opencms/EETT/Electronic_Communications/DomainNames/Regulations.html. On the page of EETT http://www.eett.gr there are all the regulatory texts for the .GR domain names and any modifications thereof. Information on .EU domain names is available at https://eurid.eu/en/other-infomation/faq/technical-and-privacy-enquiries/ and .EU domains can be found here:https://eurid.eu/en/other-infomation/faq/i-wish-to-register-a-eu/. Regarding the generic top level domain names (gtlds) such as .com, .net, etc, the management and assignment regulation is here: http://www.easy.gr/gtlds-registration-agreement, while at http: / /www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/policy.htm you will find other regulatory texts.



4.2 easy.gr has no responsibility if during, before or after the payment of the order of the user of the service, the domain he has chosen is registered by someone else, from the moment that on its part, easy.gr completes the confirmation after the payment of the service user is confirmed. If this happens, the service user can search for and register another domain.



The registration of domains names other than .GR, is not completed until the payment of the user of the service is confirmed by the accounting of easy.gr. Confirmation from the accounting department is made within 1-2 working days from the date of deposit. If the user of the service wants the immediate registration and activation of his domains, he should choose payment by credit, paypal or credits at easy.gr



4.3 .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO etc. domain names (excluding .GR and .EU) that have been renewed within 45 days in their current registrar are not renewed for an additional year upon transfer to Easy, as provided . Because for all these TLDs the orders are executed through the API provided by the intermediary and not through direct connection with the International Register, the user should check at least after 24 hours the result of each transaction using the official international tool whois in order for there to be an identification of the easy.gr data with the international domain name distribution body (ICANN) In case of any dispute, the user must contact the company directly for its resolution and correction.




4.4 Specific conditions for renewal


.AT domains must be renewed at least 35 days before their expiration date.


.FR domains must be renewed at least 9 days before their expiration date.

.LI domains must be renewed at least 62 days before their expiration date.


.CH domains must be renewed at least 62 days before their expiration date.


.CO domains must be renewed at least 12 days before their expiration date.

The .COM.CY must be renewed before 31.12.XXXX of each current year regardless of the registration date.

NOTE: Easy.gr tries to be always up to date and to keep the expiration dates of each TLD with those of the respective Registry, but this is not binding as very often the Registers change their regulations. The customer must search the terms of each Registry for the domain he owns and cooperate with Easy.gr for any clarification or difference.

4.5 The user of the service expressly consents to the deletion of the .de domain after its expiration date.



4.6 Rights and obligations when registering a domain .. Additional information on what applies to patents can be found here: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/registrant-rights/educational

4.7 Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP).

  • Prior to expiration, Europlanet will notify the registered name holder of the expiration at least 3 times. The first time one month before the end, the second time 7 days before and the last time 1 day before the end.
  • Europlanet will send an additional notice 24 hours after the Domain name expires. After 48 hours expiration, Europlanet will terminate ALL services as required by ICANN.
  • All e-mail and communications on paper send to the registered domain name holder will be stored for 3 years for auditing purposes. Expiry notifications and or logs of the notifications to the registered domain name holder for at least 3 years.
  • You must permit the registered name holder to redeem a deleted registration during the redemption grace period if a redemption grace period is offered by the respective registry
  • You must make the renewal fees reasonably available to registered name holders and prospectively registered name holders at the time of registration of a gTLD (at a minimum, these fees must be included on your website and a link to these fees must be included in your registration agreements). Restore fees have to be reasonable.
  • The above is a summary of the ERRP terms. The entire ERRP can be viewed here:
  • For gTLDs that are subject to ICANN's Redemption Grace Period, EUROPLANET charges a 260 EUR restore fee.

5. User Responsibility and Unauthorized Use of Servers.



5.1 The user of the service accepts that he will not use the easy.gr website, the services it provides and the servers for:


Posting, posting, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, violates someone else's privacy, or implies expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination


b. causing harm to minors in any way


c. posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which you do not have the right to transmit in accordance with the law or contractual or managerial relationships (such as inside information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment or covered by confidentiality agreements)


d.mission, municipality copying, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of others


e. sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation any computer software or hardware


g. intentional or unintentional violation of the current legislation or its provisions


h.harassment of third parties in any way


i. illegal collection or storage of personal data about other users



5.2 easy.gr has the ability to discard or delete material that is channeled to the server that has granted, if this material violates any copyright laws, copyright, is a product of copying, is pornographic, racist or pirated content (hacking , pirate softwares, warez sites, serial numbers), refers to drug trafficking, attempting to break into a computer or violates any other law. In such cases, easy.gr has the right, without notice, to immediately deactivate the account and access to the site via the internet without any liability for damages that may be caused to the user of the service or to third parties. It then informs the service user to remove the material. In case the user of the service does not comply immediately, easy.gr has the right to delete the account completely.



5.3 easy.gr follows a very strict policy for spam emails and can cancel the service account of the service in case of sending unorthodox / unwanted mass emails (spam mail). An email is spam when it is sent to recipients who have not requested to receive it. The user of the service agrees not to send any of the following types of e-mails: (a) promotional or informational, including without restriction of commercial advertising, except to those who have expressly requested such emails from the user of the service. (b) Annoying emails, either by the language in which they are written, the frequency with which they are sent, or the size of the messages. (c) chain mails (d) Bulk promotional or informational Email.


Easy.gr reserves the right to decide whether an action of the user of the service is considered as "spam", "mail bombing", or "bulk e-mail". The user of the service that uses the services of easy.gr for spamming will be charged a certain amount for management and recovery costs of the system. The amount is determined exclusively by easy.gr.



5.4 easy.gr has the right to limit the volume of messages sent or received by users, in order to maintain the quality of e-mail services to other members and to protect its computer systems.


As the owner and / or administrator of the equipment and other resources used for the provision of services, easy.gr has the right to block electronic communication from other bodies on the internet.



5.5 The available server resources are intended exclusively for use within the accounts of easy.gr. customers. It is forbidden to make resources available in any way on third party sites in any form, including but not limited to drawing graphics or texts from third party material material located on easy.gr server, execution of banner exchange programs, etc.



5.6 SSH access is given at the request of the service user and only in specific hosting packages (VPS, DEDICATED). Easy.gr has the right to deny access or give limited access to execute specific commands.



5.7 It is forbidden to send electronic messages to the server or any message that is sent on an annoying basis to a network directly or indirectly connected to easy.gr as well as the attempt to bypass user authentication or security of the host, network or account. It is forbidden to access information that is not addressed to the user of the service. It is forbidden to violate the security of any network, Spawning, Port scans, ping floods, packet spoofing, forging router information, denial of service attacks, sniffers, flooding, spoofing, ping bombing, smurfs, winnuke, teardrop, virus publishing, execution chat rooms, Internet Relay Chat, IRC bots (such as eggdrop), PhpShell and other similar programs, audio, radio and video streaming and uploading files to the server for downloading by the general public. Any activity, regardless of whether it will lead to loss of information, will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.

5.8 Unauthorized background processes or authorized background processes that endanger the security of our servers, will result in the termination or termination of the account of the user of the service.



5.9 The user of the service agrees that he will build his websites in such a way as to avoid overloading the Servers of easy.gr, limiting the use of code and applications that require high processing power. Easy.gr has the right, in case the website of the user of the service is the cause of problems in the provision of hosting services to other customers located on the same server, to immediately and without warning access to the website of the user of the service. In case easy.gr takes such an action, the user of the service will be informed, as soon as possible and easy.gr will cooperate with the user of the service to eliminate the reason that led to the suspension of services.



5.10 The user of the service agrees to the following terms:


Do not perform any voluntary or unintentional actions that may cause the server to overload including CGI Scripts, PHP Scripts, FTP, HTTP, SMTP load etc. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.


b. Do not run any autonomous process on the server. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.


c. Do not execute demons / executable files of any nature that make excessive use of bandwidth, such as IRCD, chat demons, .exe, .com etc.


d. Do not run any type of web Spider or Indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy).


e.Do not run any bit torrent application, track or client. You are prohibiting the hosting or interconnection of any illegally moving files.


g. Not to participate in any activity related to file-sharing & peer-to-peer networks.


h.Do not run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1942 etc. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.


i. Do not perform cron tasks & schedule tasks at intervals of less than 15 minutes. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.


j. Do not use Script to call any file that is not local. The call of any file or url to a remote server must be declared to easy.gr when it comes to shared hosting packages. Easy.gr has the right to prohibit such a thing without announcing it to the user of the service.


For the smooth operation of the server the mailbox of the users does not exceed 50 Mb. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers, Vps.

l. Do not use SMTP for bulk sending of advertising or informational messages as this is performed correctly only by the provided Mailing List service or by applications of 3rd party providers.

5.11 service must use the website exclusively as a conventional website. The use of the services and equipment of easy.gr must always be in a way that is consistent with this agreement and in no case should they harm the operation of the equipment or network of easy.gr. The use of excessive system resources is not acceptable. In the event that the use of easy.gr services by the user of the service creates, at the discretion of easy.gr, beyond the permissible limits, overload of easy.gr equipment and resources, easy.gr may suspend the operation of the account until the cause of the overload is determined and resolved. Easy.gr reserves the right to neutralize intensive mechanisms that burden the CPU. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.



5.12 Shared Hosting accounts may not be resold to third parties. If the user of the service wants to resell hosting services, he should use a reseller package.



5.13 The user of the service understands and agrees that no part of the services provided by easy.gr, such as space, e-mails or data transfer (bandwidth) can be used for backup purposes. The user of the service is not allowed in any case to upload (download), download (download) or store in the space provided to him files that are not directly related to what is necessary for the operation of his website, with the exception of maintaining a backup of the service user's site. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.



5.14 The user of the service must supervise the size of the space occupied by him and the other users of his account on the hard disks of easy.gr, so that it does not exceed the set limits. In case the space occupied exceeds the limits, easy.gr will charge the userof the service for the use of the additional resources and reserves the right to delete files in order to return the used space to the allowed limits. This term does not apply to Dedicated Servers.



5.15 It is the service user's responsibility to ensure that the code and applications installed on their account are secure and that directory and file permissions are correct, regardless of how they were installed. Where possible, the service user should put 755 permissions or as restrictive as possible in directories and files. The user of the service is responsible for all actions performed on his account.



5.16 The service user must use a secure password. If the password used by the service user is simple, the account may be suspended until a more secure password is used.



6. Terms of Use of existing Free Web Hosting of Domains24.gr and Free services of Easy.gr



6.1 The Free Hosting Package from Domains24.gr was provided to customers until 10/11/2014 who had registered or renewed at least one domain name on Domains24.gr, or had transferred it from another registrar and did not use other paid Hosting services for this the domain.



6.2 The free hosting packages that were activated by Domains24.gr will continue to exist until the next renewal of their domain. If the domain, to which the free hosting package is connected, is moved to another registrar then this package is automatically deactivated.

6.3 All free services at Easy.gr are provided as is, without a guarantee of good operation and do not include technical support. The user should read the user manuals and F&Q provided by either Easy.gr or the manufacturer and have the necessary knowledge to activate and use them.All free applications provided through the hosting panels (Plesk, Cpanel, ISPmanager) are governed by their own terms of use. Free applications that require a database can be installed  hosting packages which contains mysql database access. The Free Sitebuilder is available to all Pro Badge users only if the web hosting is under Easy.gr and on an autonomous hosting package with ISPmanager Panel.


7. Terms of use of the BackOrdering Domains Service.



With this service you can place a "backorder" order for a Domain that has expired and which is in the "quarantine" process for the next 15 days. At the end of the 15 day grace period, the Domain is released and available for re-registration.

The exact release time of a Domain name is never fixed.


7.1 How do you buy the service:

Through the dynamic management control panel that we offer you, you can add backorder to any domain you want.

The process is performed in real time. You can add this service even 10 minutes before the release of a domain.


7.2 How it works:

The service has 10 locations for each Domain. Each position can correspond to a prospective user of the service who wants to register this Domain.

When buying it you can choose as many positions as you want.

In case you buy all 10 positions then you will be the only candidate for the registration of this Domain and Our easy.gr will not accept any other user who will show interest in the same Domain.

If you buy only one position, then there is a chance that the available positions will be bought by other candidates, as a result of which you will share the chances of success.

In the management system we offer you you see in real time the whole evolution of the backorder for the Domains you have chosen.

So, immediately inform if another user bought some or some of the available Domain sites that you have also chosen.

At the time of the release of the Domain, the easy.gr system automatically forwards your order to the Register as many times as it was entitled according to the number of positions you have.


7.3 How much does it cost:

The one-time cost of using the Backorder service for each domain is 5 Euros + VAT regardless of whether the domain is finally registered or not.

The cost of registering the Domain is 25 Euros + VAT. Each position costs 15 Euros + VAT.


What if the Backorder service fails or is canceled?

In case of cancellation of the Backorder order or unsuccessful registration, the paid costs of the places and the registration are fully refunded as Credits.

In case of successful registration then there is no refund and the Domain is automatically placed on your tab for management.


7.4 Transparency:

Transparency at all levels of our cooperation is a basic principle of our easy.gr.

You see at all times the evolution of the process. Even for each application that is sent to the .GR Registry, you receive an e-mail with its protocol number.

This way you can easily count the total number of applications according to the positions you have purchased.

In case the Domain is registered by another user, by another registrar or renewed from the existing owner before its expiration, then you receive an update and the process is automatically transferred to the new expiration time of the domain.

Immediately after you can choose to keep or cancel the process and get your money back in the form of Credits.


The service is currently provided only for the cases of Domain Names ending in .GR, .COM.GR, .NET.GR, .ORG.GR, .EDU.GR, .GOV.GR



8. Terms of use of the Hosting Service.



8.1 General Terms


- easy.gr, as a provider, has the right to check the website and at its discretion to remove any content found to be unacceptable for any reason, without prior notice to the website owner. This includes, but is not limited to: pornography, spamming, phishing, illegal business practices, and any material that infringes national or international copyright.


- The owner of the website, as a user of the easy.gr service, is solely responsible for any obligation arising from, or related to, his website. The service user agrees to indemnify and retain the provider, its associates and employees, free from any liability, loss, damage, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and the remuneration of experts associated with any of the provider, related to or arising from the website or breach of warranties by the owner under this agreement. This obligation includes claims arising from acts or omissions of employees and users, as well as any other person accessing the Services, on the part of the service user, as a result of the failure to use reasonable security measures.


- All software used on the website of the user of the service available under the General Public License (GPL), is governed by it.


- The Easy service: WP WordPress Managed Hosting can also be used by resellers, purchasing separate packages for each of their customers. The template is officially provided by Easy.gr not as a Theme resale but as a final product along with all the images and all the additional services included in the package. Also the installation of the theme is included in the price of the package regardless of the duration of the package. The user can buy additional support, if desired, from the official manufacturer of the theme. The backup is done automatically while the restore is done only if an upgrade fails. The user has full access to each panel that concerns the additional services such as antispam, backup, WP admin and so on.




Obligations of the provider

Subject to the compliance of the service user with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, easy.gr provides the Services and Support during the validity of this agreement, in accordance with the commitments made at the service level.



Obligations of the service user

- The user of the service is solely responsible for the content of the articles, data or notifications published using the Service, or any other use of the Services by a user. The user of the service agrees to fully comply with all obligations and restrictions as defined in the Acceptable Use Policy.


- The user of the service is solely responsible for (1) his website, its content and activity, (2) the provision of legal, written permission to use and display any content of his website by the legal holder of these rights, and (3) ensuring that the content of the blog / website does not violate the laws of the country where it is displayed.

- The owner of the website is not allowd to upload on the hosting space video or sound files  (MPE3, MP4, MOV,WMV, AVI, AVCHD, FLV, F4V, SWF, MKV, WEBM, HTML5, MPEG-2, FLAC, ALAC, WAV κ.λ.π.) unless the hosting is about a VIDEO/AUDIO Hosting package.

- The user of the service agrees not to place, nor will he allow to be placed on his website unacceptable material or actions that it includes, but is not limited to the following: (1) defamatory or other criminal material, (2) criminal activities, which include but are not limited to theft of trade secrets, fraud, child pornography, trafficking in obscene material, violation of Greek export regulations, drug trafficking, gambling, harassment, persecution, spamming, hacking, sending viruses or other malicious files, passwords (3) illegal material or activity, including but not limited to, the unlawful disclosure of confidential, confidential, or other proprietary material, trademark infringement, copyright infringement, or patent infringement; .


- The user of the service understands and agrees that no part of the services provided by easy.gr, such as space, e-mails or data transfer (bandwidth) can to be used for backup purposes. The user of the service is not allowed to upload (download), download (download) or store in the space provided to him files that are not directly related to what is necessary for the operation of his website. The user of the service is not allowed to upload a file for the purpose of audio, radio and video streaming or downloading by the general public, as well as gallery sites which make excessive use of resources.

- The user must not abuse the resources of the system to the detriment of other users of the same Server and must comply with the correct use of each service provided. More specifically, the term "proper use" in simple Share Hosting / Managed Hosting packages translates to 10% of CPU, up to 10 apache childs / sec, 10 mysql queries / sec, sending up to 100 emails per hour, 2GB traffic per month for MiniPack & Cloud MiniPack, 30GB for StarterPack, Cloud StarterPack, 200GB for MultiPack 10, Cloud MultiPack 10, 400GB for MultiPack 30, MultiPack Cloud 30,
15Gb for Email Plan1, 30Gb for Email Plan2 & 150Gb for Email Plan3, 60GB for EU Wordpress + 10 Templates.

- Especially for Managed Hosting packages the limits are:
80GB for Basic, 160GB for Pro, 350Gb for Deluxe. In case of abuse, the system automatically deactivates the service, which returns after contacting the technical department and after examining each case separately. Especially in the case of exceeding the monthly traffic, the user can buy packages of the same traffic of his package with a 20% discount, which are valid only for the current month and are paid in full each time of the month. In addition, the FREE TRANSFER of material from another provider  is valid only for new subscriptions of period more than 1 month.

- Especially for Semi Dedidated Hosting packages the limits of traffic are:
2000GB for Plan1, 400GB for Plan2, 600Gb for Plan3. In case of abuse, the system automatically deactivates the service, which returns after contacting the technical department and after examining each case separately. Especially in the case of exceeding the monthly traffic, the user can buy packages of the same traffic of his package with a 20% discount, which are valid only for the current month and are paid in full each time of the month. In addition, the FREE TRANSFER of material from another provider  is valid only for new subscriptions of period more than 1 month and only if exists backup manager of Plesk, Cpanel, ISPmanager. For any other case there will be cost depending on the data volume.

- Especially for Dedicated Servers in GR-IX, the traffic is estimated at 300Gb / month on a shared line. For each additional 100Gb the cost is 50 euros + VAT. In dedicated line contracts, there is no traffic count.

- Especially for the Cookiebot service, the package is checked automatically every month. In case the number of pages increases and the current package changes, according to the Cookiebot policy, then easy.gr will automatically request the payment of the difference between the two packages regardless of the prepaid period.

- The user of the service agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of this agreement, to make all payments of the fees due and to comply with any law applicable to his use of the Services. The user of the service is obliged to cooperate with the provider for the investigation of service interruptions, security issues or if there are suspicions of violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


- The user of the service must comply with the very strict policy for spam emails that follows easy.gr, which can cancel the account of the user of the service in case of sending unorthodox / unwanted mass emails (spam mail). An email is spam when it is sent to many recipients who have not requested to receive it. The user of the service agrees not to send any of the following types of e-mails: (a) Advertising or information, including without restriction of commercial advertising, except to those who have expressly requested such emails. (b) Annoying emails, either by the language in which they are written, the frequency with which they are sent, or the size of the messages. (c) Chain mails (d) Bulk promotional or informative Email.


Easy.gr reserves the right to decide whether an action of the user of the service is considered as "spam", "mail bombing", or "bulk e-mail". The user of the service who uses the services of easy.gr for spamming will be charged an amount for management and recovery costs of the system. The amount is determined exclusively by easy.gr.


To protect the IPs of the servers from being entered in spam lists, easy.gr applies a security mechanism regarding the allowed number of emails sent by users per hour.


- The available server resources are intended exclusively for use within the accounts of easy.gr. customers. It is forbidden to make resources available in any way on third party sites in any form, including but not limited to drawing graphics or texts from third party sites, material located on easy.gr server, execution of banner exchange programs, etc.




8.2 WordPress Hosting Service


- easy.gr agrees to provide customers, with the installation of WordPress Hosting, hosting and updates of WordPress blog / website. The blog / website is installed on the servers of easy.gr. Easy.gr provides the software required to host the blog / website and performs all software updates, so that the user of the service can review, update, enhance and modify his blog / website as he wishes.


- All that is allowed to enter the service is the pre-installed WordPress software and the compatible with WordPress plugins and themes. This means that if the user of the service adds any third party software to an account / site that is not in the form of a WordPress plugin, it is in breach of this agreement.


For example, plugins such as buddypress, bbPress, XYZ WordPress are allowed, but code plugins or applications developed by the service user in a format that is not compatible with WordPress or independent applications not related to WordPress, such as: phpbb, Joomla, are prohibited. Drupal, etc.


- easy.gr reserves the right to control this code in terms of performance and security and to allow or prohibit it at its discretion.



- In relation to the provision of hosting, the terms of use of web hosting of easy.gr.

Property Rights


- All software, programs, code, data or information developed or provided by easy.gr, as well as any copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or any other proprietary rights included in them , remain the exclusive property of easy.gr.


- All content created by the service user on his blog / website remains the exclusive property of him, including all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights.


- The user of the service accepts and agrees that he has no ownership rights to any of the servers or other material used to provide the Service. Similarly, it does not acquire any ownership interest in the content or data stored on the servers or transmitted through the Service.


- The user of the service accepts and agrees that third parties may be used, for the software (hardware) or the hardware (hardware), for the provision of the said service. Therefore, it agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of any end-user licenses or other agreements related to the use of such software or hardware.


- The user of the service accepts and agrees that any IP addresses assigned in relation to the service are the property of easy.gr and after the expiration or termination of this agreement, will release and cease to use any IP address.






Easy.gr agrees that it will not use or disclose confidential information, unless required. It will take appropriate measures to keep confidential information secure from third parties. If for any reason the service user account is closed, they will not use or disclose confidential information and this will either be returned to the service user or destroyed.




Clientele and use of service user brand


By using this service, the provider is granted permission and free rights to register the user of the service in a list of customers, or to display his brand name / brand in his customer list. This license expires at the end of the "Subscription Period". This license does not extend to other forms of advertising or marketing performed by or on behalf of the provider.




Suspension of Services


The user of the service accepts and agrees that easy.gr may suspend the provision of the Services, in whole or in part, without being liable to the user of the service or to anyone who claims to represent him, when: (1) the user of the service violates the Terms of Use Accepted, (2) the user of the service does not cooperate with the provider in an investigation for any alleged violations of this agreement, (3) easy.gr reasonably considers that the servers hosting the services have access, are managed or used by third parties without the consent of the provider, (4) easy.gr considers that the suspension of services is necessary for the protection of the environment and its infrastructure, (5) in case the website of the service user is the cause of problems in providing hosting services to other clients located on the same server, (6) a summons is sent, a court decision or when required by the law.




Service Payments


Payments shall be made for the duration of this Agreement. Easy.gr reserves the right to modify the prices of the services, without prior notice.


Payment for each service is made at the time of ordering or renewal, if it is a paid service. If for any reason no payment is made, the service is not activated. If the service is paid anonymously (e.g. Crypto, Paysafecard, etc.) the company has the right to request the official details of the customer before the service is activated. In case of refusal to provide information, the company does not have to proceed with an anonymous refund. If a service subscription is not renewed, after its expiration date, the blog / website and the hosting with the connected services are deactivated, but it remains available for an additional 15 days in the easy.gr database, at which time it can be reactivated upon request and payment of the service user.




Duration, Expiry and Cancellation


This agreement starts when the order for a WordPress Managed Hosting package is completed and paid for. Valid for the period during which the order will be placed and is renewed upon payment of the subscription renewal of the WordPress Hosting service and for as long as the renewal is valid. It ends with the non-renewal of the package, as well as if the user of the service requests cancellation of the order, as described by the procedures of easy.gr. In addition, the Agreement shall cease to be in force immediately if a breach of this Agreement is reported.Maintenance


Easy.gr can periodically deactivate the hosting service for any scheduled tests, maintenance, upgrades or repairs in any part of its network. Easy.gr will inform the user of the service by email or through the management environment about the period when the hosting and the service will not be available.


The user of the service accepts that there may be cases where it is not possible for the provider to notify in advance of the termination of the service, for example, in case of emergency. Easy.gr is also entitled to terminate the Service for its restoration and redress, without prior notice.


Easy.gr is not responsible for any loss, damage and non-pecuniary damage resulting from the deactivation of the services or the upgrades.


Accept Terms of Use


The user of the service agrees that for any dispute arising from the use of this presentation, the laws of the Greek state will apply, and the competent court for resolving them will be the Courts of Athens. The terms contained herein supersede any other agreement or negotiation between the user of the service and easy.gr, orally, in writing or otherwise, including any statements by a representative of easy.gr.


Easy.gr reserves the right to modify and / or change these terms and conditions at any time.


Disclaimer of indirect guarantees


- easy.gr will make the most of the efforts to maintain acceptable performance of the Service, as long as this agreement is in force, but provides absolutely no warranty, express or implied, including a guarantee of marketability or suitability, for a specific purpose.


- easy.gr does not bear any responsibility for any damage caused in case of non-availability of the network or system and does not guarantee that the hosting service, or the integrity of the data stored or transmitted over the Internet, will be uninterrupted or will not be done an error due to the special nature of the Internet and the networks through which information is disseminated.


- easy.gr does not bear any responsibility for the unintentional disclosure, or bribery or deletion, of the data transmitted or received or classified in its systems. The user of the service is solely responsible for taking appropriate security measures to protect passwords, systems, data and applications from unwanted intruders, whether through the Internet or otherwise.


- easy.gr, under any circumstances and circumstances and for any reason, has no responsibility, towards customers or third parties, for any loss, or loss of profits, or data, arising from the use or inability to use, availability or not availability of the services offered by easy.gr.


- in no case easy.gr is not liable to customers, or any end user, or other third party, for any special, consequential or other damages caused, either due to violation of this Agreement, or due to negligence or other cases , even if easy.gr has been warned about the possibility of such damage.

The user of the service acknowledges and agrees that in no case should easy.gr assume any obligation or responsibility to the user of the service, to suspend the service to the extent permitted under this agreement.


- easy.gr does not bear any responsibility or obligation to compensate for any loss, damage or moral damage resulting from inability to provide services or technical support and the user of the service undertakes to accept that it will not raise any claims.


- easy.gr regularly backs up the files and databases of Customers who use hosting services on its servers. Easy.gr does not bear any responsibility in case the backup is not updated or can not be used. The user of the service is obliged to keep a backup of his files and databases, using the corresponding Backup tool provided through the Plesk Panel if and when it is included in its package, from the special Backup program available by easy.gr or from a program of another personal choice of the user. For security reasons, the backup should be transferred locally to the service user's computer.


- easy.gr is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order. It is also reserved regarding the delivery time of the products / services in cases of force majeure


9. Terms of use for Experts.

- Easy.gr through a set of innovationsof services that integrates in its most powerful management system, presents the only specialized market guide of the "experts" of the Internet, Web Market Experts. (http://easy.gr/newsite/2.2-1.jpg)
All companies, professionals, organizations, organizations, etc. can be registered in this guide. dealing with the Internet sector in general, but also in particular with any kind of service that can be provided electronically and online such as courses, translations, advice, advertising, etc., in order to present their activity, to demonstrate their capabilities and their specialized knowledge. The interaction between users and professionals is realized with an online form of communication or expression of interest with simultaneous Alert in the management (Controlpanel) of easy.gr and total recording of each communication in the history of movements.

At the same time, easy.gr gives the opportunity to every professional to create online & register his own autonomous website, hosted within the dynamic Controlpanel itself including its own logo, its own social media, its own portfolio of works and .λ.π.

With this specialized shopping guide for Internet Experts, easy.gr brings together all companies and all Internet users, thus helping in the most immediate notification of innovative & non-services, in the immediate and faster information of every user who is looking for network services and more generally in the easier professional utilization of the resources of an online presence. The peculiarity of the guide is that it is addressed only to online services and not to product sales. It connects all those involved with the Internet in a common platform and promotes the development of entrepreneurship in a simple and smart way. It gives new horizons to existing businesses and expands their customer base by bringing them close to the thousands of Internet users who are engaged in amateur or even professional in one of the thousands of online domains.

The page registered by each company is accessible and autonomous, except Controlpanel and without Login e.g. http://easy.gr/MY_WEB_COMPANY
so that the searches in the search engines, based on the respective keywords, have a more targeted result, drawing power even from easy.gr itself, which is included as the first synthetic. Thus, placing the keyword "easy" or "easy" in front of each service it offers, will have the best possible result in the list of results without additional advertising costs.

In addition to the immediate display of the search results made by each user, easy.gr provides the option to the user to immediately contact the company or professional who meets the requirements and conditions set during the search in Web Market Experts, thus creating a direct interconnection between consumer & professional / entrepreneur.

The update is done online and every request for interest, in addition to the automatic information email sent to the professional, is recorded in a special file and presented in a special place within the Controlpanel, where each professional can see it and edit it through his tab after its entry in the unified service management system of easy.gr.

And if someone just wants to advertise their services without even being listed in the guide or wants to increase the promotion of their already registered business, then the ability to buy a special Banner ad is what you need.

The data presented in the whois business information of easy.gr are placed under the responsibility of the user of the service who is the sole responsible and relieves from any responsibility the legal persons of the easy.gr website.


10. Terms of use for Ranking Coach SeoTool.

-RankingCoach with its statistics shows you where you should optimize your website. The more you improve statistics with RankingCoach the better the search result for your website.


Search engine optimization with RankingCoach is surprisingly simple. Within a short time the first steps have been settled. From now on your position is constantly improving.
With the tools of analysis and continuous monitoring you will keep your position without problems, and you will stay where you belong, always in the right place!


-All the features and price packages are described in detail at www.easy.gr/el/seo and the terms of use on the website of the manufacturer www.rankingcoach.com/en-us/terms-and-conditions.


11. Terms of use for Sonetel Global Telephony.



- A free global telephony system that allows you to communicate with the whole world, atanywhere on earth,

-Service provided by Sonetel and governed by its terms of use at www.sonetel.com.



12. Terms of use Eshop by Easy.


Easily configure yourself and design your online store with the help of Prestabox tools. Features at www.easy.gr/en/website/eshop and terms of use of the service by the manufacturer at https://www.prestabox.com/docs/cgv_current_en.pdf


14. Terms of use Fotolia.


-Fotolia is the world's first online platform for buying royalty free images and videos. Easy.gr gives you the opportunity through coupons that you will find in your tab in the control panel to receive a discount on the images that you will buy at https://www.fotolia.com/europlanet.

Terms of use on the company's site http://eu.fotolia.com/.


15. Terms of use Website 2 mobile.


-Make the mobile version of your website with the help of Duda tools.

Terms of use on the website of the manufacturer http://www.dudamobile.com/terms.



16. Security.



16.1 All transactions you make through www.easy.gr are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to e-commerce as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues on distance sales. Easy.gr recognizes the importance of the issue of the security of Personal Data, as well as electronic transactions and has taken all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security. All information related to your personal information is secure and confidential.



The security of the easy.gr online store is achieved by the following methods:


User identification of the service



16.2 The codes used for the identification are two: the Password and the Personal Security Code (Password), which every time you enter them provide access with absolute security to the personal data of the user of the service. It is possible to modify the Personal Security Code (password) as often as the user of the service wishes. The only one who has access to the data is the user of the service through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of third parties. The password used by the user of the service must be more than 6 characters, with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. In case of loss or leakage, you must immediately notify easy.gr. Easy.gr is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. The easy.gr online store in no way discloses or publishes personal data and information. The personal data provided by the user of the service at easy.gr are used exclusively for the execution of transactions. All information is encrypted and stored in complete security.






16.3 The user of the service must always have his contact details up to date and notify easy.gr of any change. The communication and information of easy.gr to the user of the service for issues concerning his account (upgrades to the servers, expiration - renewal of subscriptions, etc.) is carried out via email or through relevant information pages on the site of easy.gr. The user of the service must regularly check the email he has set as the main communication email and the easy.gr website in order to be informed about issues concerning his account and subscriptions. The communication email should not be an email that it maintains on the servers of easy.gr.



Confidentiality of Transactions

16.4 All information transmitted by the user of the service / subscriber of easy.gr is confidential and easy.gr has taken all necessary measures to use them only when deemed necessary within the framework of the services provided.


Some of the measures that have been taken are the following:


a. Only authorized officials have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. for processing applications.


b. Easy.gr does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from the user of the service or this is imposed by a court decision or decision of another public authority.


c. In the event that easy.gr uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure confidentiality.


d. The user of the service can request any information kept about him as well as their correction in case he can document the existence of an error.


e. For security, the user of the service should treat all information provided through the service as confidential and confidential and not make any disclosure to third parties.


g. The e-mail address of the user of the service is used by easy.gr to send informative emails-newsletters about easy.gr and with any new offers or discounts. provided by it. In case the user of the service does not wish to receive informative emails of this form, he can be deleted from the contact list by clicking on the link at the end of each informative email-newsletter.



17. Pricing and Termination of Services / Agreement.



Pricing policy



17.1 The listed prices of the products are in euros and VAT is not included. Payment for services and products is made in advance. Easy.gr reserves the right to change prices without prior notice to the user of the service. It is understood that the user of the service always pays the price which is listed in the relevant price lists for this product or service at the time of ordering. Any costs of paying for the services (bank deposit costs, etc.), are paid by the user of the service. Prices are increased by 2% for payment by credit card, 9% + € 0.50 for payment by paysafecard, 3.50% + € 0.50 for payments via Paypal


17.2 easy.gr has the right to offer packages or offers that will have more favorable terms or prices than those that existed when the user of the service initially purchased services from easy.gr. These price changes and terms do not affect existing party prices. The offers are not allowed to be combined with other discounts or badges.


17.3 Discount coupons are valid only during the initial purchase and do not affect the renewal price of a service or product. The discount coupon offers do not work in combination with any other discounts that customers are entitled to. The domain name transfer coupon can be used only once and the system calculates the discount automatically at the checkout procedure.


17.4 The price paid by the user of the service to easy.gr for hosting services will never change for the period of its validity. Easy.gr reserves the right to change at any time the resources and prices of hosting services displayed on its site for purchase by prospective customers.


17.5 Payments


a. For reasons of identification and security of transactions, the user of the service, if requested by easy.gr, should provide further information, such as his identity, passport, etc.


b. If the user of the service does not provide the requested information or the transaction is not successfully identified by easy.gr, easy.gr has the right not to provide the service and not to refund the amount of the charge related to this transaction.




17.6 Payment by Credit Card or Paypal


a. The user of the service has the ability to pay for his orders via Visa, Mastercard and Paypal credit card (any additional costs or Paypal commissions are borne by the user of the service). Credit card debiting is done after checking and certifying the details and its validity. The user of the service is solely responsible for the correct registration of credit card details.




b. The user of the service that orders web hosting services can choose through the easy.gr account management environment to debit his credit card or PayPal account automatically from easy.gr every month (or depending on the renewal cycle of the hosting subscription of his domain every 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 months) and to give the right to easy.gr to collect the corresponding amount on a predetermined date of each month or in a similar regular period and in which the service ordered by the service user is overdue.



17.7 Payment by deposit in a bank accountThe user of the service has the ability to pay for his orders by payment at a bank (in a store, via e-banking or phonebanking) through the DIAS system at the contracted banks presented here. In this case the user of the service must pay any commissions of the banks.



Termination of Services / Agreement



17.8 This agreement, which is accepted during the process of purchasing any type of service provided by easy.gr, can be terminated by any of the parties, without reason and the user has no right withdrawal (N2251/1994 article 3ιβ). Easy.gr is not obliged to refund the agreed amount for the period of time remaining from the day of the interruption to the normal end of the contract in the event that the user of the service requests the interruption or the agreement is terminated by easy.gr in the event of a breach of its terms by the user of the service.



17.9 If the user of the service declares that he does not wish the continuation of the services, then easy.gr stops the operation of the web site of the user of the service and deletes it from its servers, without further notice.



17.10 easy.gr reserves the right to refuse, terminate or make available the services it provides to the user of the service at will, with or without notice, and will not be responsible for effects, positive or negative, that are a result terminating a web site from one of its servers or terminating another service. Restoring files to a web hosting account is charged.



17.11 In the event that the user of the service maintains unpaid one or more services in his account, then easy.gr has the right to suspend, terminate or delete all its domains or hosting accounts, paid or not, without the obligation to provide backups (back up) to the service user.



17.12 easy.gr reserves the right to cancel an account, including files and content, for any reason, at any time. The user of the service agrees to maintain backups (backup) of all files and databases hosted on easy.gr and agrees that easy.gr will not be responsible for data loss. The user of the service is responsible for backing up his data.



17.13 The user of the service as long as he does not further desire the services of easy.gr should state this to the existing ways of communication of easy.gr.


17.14 In case of failure to pay on time the service, this service will be terminated after its termination.



18. Renewal of Services.



18.1 This renewal agreement is automatically renewed according to the current price of the price list for the type of service provided and only if the customer has requested it from the easy.gr management.



18.2 In case of payment of the subscription by payment to a bank (DIAS System) through cash, e-banking or phone-banking, the user of the service must pay any commissions of the banks.



18.3 In any case the user of the service must check that easy.gr received the notification of the payment of his subscription and activated / renewed the services for which he paid. In case in which easy.gr can not verify the payment details of the balance from service renewal (eg due to poorly printed FAX, non-delivery of the information email to easy.gr) then easy.gr terminates the operation of the services, without any liability for any damages or damages caused by the termination / interruption of its services to the user of the service.



19. Additional Fees.



20.1 easy.gr is not responsible for any taxes or fees to be paid in any country and in accordance with any tax legislation and relates to transactions made by the user of the service through the offered server. The user of the service agrees that he has full responsibility for taxes or fees or charges related to the use of the server or the products or services he has or the transactions he carries out.



20. Limitation of Liability - Insurance - Compensation.



20.1 easy.gr makes significant efforts to ensure that the website http://www.easy.gr includes accurate and up-to-date information. However, it is not bound by the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the content published and therefore does not bear any responsibility.



20.2 The user of the service agrees that he will defend himself against any court, will secure, will keep away from any risk, from all claims, losses, monetary claims and responsibilities, easy.gr and will cover it against any monetary costs including lawyers will also cover it from any case or claim due to damage or injury or any other cause raised by him or any other party.against easy.gr or the user of the service due to the activities and services or other acts of the user of the service or contents and information that moved through the server of easy.gr or due to malfunction of any of our servers, with or without the consent of the user of the service or person cooperating with it.



20.3 In addition, the user of the service expressly declares and binds hereby that in the event that an action, claim, or other legal claim or administrative procedure is raised against easy.gr and stems from the violation by any nature of third party rights, he is obliged as on the one hand intervenes in the judicial or administrative procedure and on the other hand fully compensates easy.gr, in case the latter is obliged to pay compensation or any other expense.



21. Electronic Invoice Transmission.



21.1 The user of the service must notify easy.gr of the e-mail addresses to which the issued invoices will be sent. In addition, the user of the service expressly states that the specific e-mail addresses and any information about them are under his complete, exclusive and undisputed control. These addresses should not be accessed by third parties unless they are authorized by the user of the service. Easy.gr has no responsibility for the access of any third party to the e-mail addresses of the user of the service nor for any damage that the user of the service may suffer from the access and / or use of his e-mail addresses by third parties.




21.2 For any change in the data he has declared and especially in the e-mail address data, the user of the service is exclusively responsible, who must inform easy.gr about the changes. Easy.gr does not bear any responsibility in case of inability or delay in informing the user of the service for the issuance of an invoice for the above reason.





21.3 easy.gr has no responsibility for any damage (positive or negative) of the service user and / or third parties arising due to inability or delay of access of the service user to his e-mail.





21.4 The user of the service accepts that easy.gr makes every reasonable effort to ensure the availability of the electronic invoice transmission service.





22. Acceptance of Terms of Use.



22.1 The present terms of use of the website www.easy.gr are drafted based on all the rules of law of the Greek territory, are governed by the Greek Law, by the applicable provisions of the European Union and by the International Treaties and are interpreted according to the rules of good faith, transactional ethics and the social and economic purpose of the right. In the event that a term or provision of such terms of use is to be deemed invalid or void, such invalidity or cancellation will not affect the validity of the other terms, and the parties will make every effort to replace the invalid ones. or revocable terms or conditions, with others approaching as closely as possible the content of the invalid or revocable terms or provisions.



22.2 From the use of the websites www.easy.gr it is presumed that you agree with all the terms listed on this website and the reading of this text is required before using our services and submitting any order of services or products and in addition the agreed your opinion as well as the full and unconditional acceptance of the listed terms, is expressed, certified and declared responsibly using the presentation and / or mouse click on the link "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use" and any other link can lead to a service order or use of the easy.gr websites, and is considered as your signature in this text.



22.3 easy.gr provides the user of the service Third Party Software depending on the service ordered. The license terms governing the use of third party software may differ from the terms of use of easy.gr. The customers of easy.gr are bound by all the terms of the licenses related to the third party software and must accept them. The provision and supply of third party software is not part of the easy.gr. software. Easy.gr can not provide support or guarantees regarding the use and functionality of this third party software.



22.4 Each electronic order of services is sent to easy.gr via the Internet, if and only if the user of the service has previously unconditionally accepted the above terms of agreement, as aadditional proof that the user of the service was fully aware of the terms and agreed unreservedly with them.



22.5 The user of the service agrees that for any dispute arising from the use of this presentation, the laws of the Greek state will apply and the competent court for their resolution will be the Courts of Athens. Easy.gr has the right to modify without notice the Terms of Use of the Service Agreement. The latest version of the terms can be found at http://www.easy.gr/


22.6 The terms contained herein supersede any other agreement or negotiation between the user of the service and easy.gr, orally, in writing or otherwise, including any statements by a representative of easy.gr.



22.7 Additional Registry Requirements

Below you will find links to the Terms and Conditions of the main endings, in the respective pages of the registers. By registering domain names of the following suffixes, the user of the service confirms that he has read and agrees with the terms and conditions provided by these registers.



Terms and conditions .EU

Terms and conditions .ASIA

Terms and conditions .ME

Terms and conditions.CA

Terms and conditions .AT

Terms and conditions.CO

Terms and conditions .BE

Terms and conditions.TV

Terms and conditions .PRO

Terms and conditions.INFO

Terms and conditions .IT

Terms and conditions.FM

Terms and conditions .UK

Terms and conditions.BIZ

Terms and Conditions .WS

Terms and conditions.BZ

Terms and conditions .MOBI

Terms and conditions.DE

Terms and conditions .NL

Terms and conditions.NAME

Terms and Conditions .US

Terms and conditions.CN

Terms and conditions .CC

Terms and conditions.GS

Terms and conditions .IN

Terms and conditions.MS

Terms and conditions .AM

Terms and conditions.AC

Terms and conditions .MX

Terms and conditions.IO

Terms and conditions .LA

Terms and conditions.NU


According to the official providers, some actions, such as the change of Nameservers, change of owner, etc. are a chargeable process as mentioned in the invoices below:

.AE EUR 13 €
.COM.AI EUR 29.9 €
.CO.AO EUR 104 €
.AS EUR 18.2 €
.AX EUR 53.3 €
.AZ EUR 121.9 €
.COM.AZ EUR 68.9 €
.BA EUR 36.4 €
.BB EUR 70.2 €
.AC.BD EUR 39.2 €
.COM.BH EUR 47.9 €
.BM EUR 53.3 €
.COM.BN EUR 53.3 €
.BS EUR 29.9 €
.COM.BT EUR 53.3 €
.CD EUR 16.9 €
.CI EUR 37.7 €
.CO.EE EUR 64.844 €
.COM.CY EUR 87.1 €
.DJ EUR 16.9 €
.DK EUR 130 €
.DZ EUR 104 €
.EE EUR 55.9 €
.COM.EE EUR 64.844 €
.EG EUR 53.3 €
.COM.EG EUR 53.3 €
.BIZ.FJ EUR 16.9 €
.FO EUR 68.9 €
.GE EUR 68.9 €
.COM.GE EUR 68.9 €
.GF EUR 29.9 €
.GM EUR 29.9 €
.GP EUR 29.9 €
.GT EUR 29.9 €
.COM.GT EUR 37.7 €
.GW EUR 37.7 €
.HM EUR 44.2 €
.NO EUR 36.4 €
.CO.JP EUR 16.9 €
.KG EUR 53.3 €
.KN EUR 111.8 €
.COM.KW EUR 53.3 €
.KY EUR 68.9 €
.COM.LB EUR 87.1 €
.LK EUR 36.4 €
.COM.LK EUR 53.3 €
.LY EUR 29.9 €
.COM.LY EUR 29.9 €
.MA EUR 29.9 €
.AC.MA EUR 29.9 €
.MC EUR 42.9 €
.MK EUR 20.8 €
.COM.MK EUR 20.8 €
.MT EUR 36.4 €
.COM.MT EUR 36.4 €
.MV EUR 120.9 €
.COM.MV EUR 120.9 €
.MW EUR 53.3 €
.MY EUR 29.9 €
.COM.MY EUR 22.607 €
.NG EUR 28.6 €
.COM.NG EUR 28.6 €
.PK EUR 16.9 €
.COM.PK EUR 16.9 €
.PS EUR 16.9 €
.COM.PS EUR 16.9 €
.QA EUR 24.7 €
.SA EUR 53.3 €
.COM.SA EUR 53.3 €
.SD EUR 53.3 €
.SL EUR 29.9 €
.COM.SL EUR 29.9 €
.SM EUR 104 €
.SN EUR 105.3 €
.SO EUR 53.3 €
.SR EUR 29.9 €
.TD EUR 87.1 €
.CO.TH EUR 18.2 €
.TJ EUR 16.9 €
.COM.TJ EUR 16.9 €
.TN EUR 29.9 €
.COM.TN EUR 29.9 €
.TO EUR 6.5 €
.COM.TR EUR 101.4 €
.BBS.TR EUR 101.4 €
.TT EUR 37.7 €
.CO.TT EUR 37.7 €
.CO.TZ EUR 53.3 €
.CO.VE EUR 29.9 €
.VN EUR 42.9 €
.AC.VN EUR 42.9 €
.VU EUR 20.8 €

22.8 About ccTLDs (Country-Code Domain Names)
Below are the new domain renewal rules for each country:
  .ag Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, after the 20th day of its expiration there is a penalty and after 40 days it is canceled.
 .am Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .at Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not enabled, it should be doneits renewal 35 days before its expiration date. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .be Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .br Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .bz Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, after the 20th day of its expiration there is a penalty and after 40 days it is canceled.
 .ca Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 42nd day.
 .cc Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 19th day.
 .co Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 1st day of its expiration.
 .co.za Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed up to two (2) days before its expiration date. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .cn Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 1st day of its expiration.
 .cz domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, the domain is deleted 59 days after its expiration date.
 .de Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .fm Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .fr Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .gs Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .in Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 17th day.
 .it Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .jp Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .la Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, the domain is deleted 45 days after its expiration date.
 .me Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 19th day.
 .ms Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .mx Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, after the 10th day it expires there is a penalty.
 .nl Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .nu ​​Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .nz Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .pe Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 25th day.
 .ph Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 25th day.
 .pl Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed only within 61 days before its expiration date. Otherwise, after the expiration date the domain is deleted.
 .se Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .so Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 19th day.
 .tc Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not enabled,it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .tk Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .tv Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 17th day.
 .tw Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 1st day of its expiration.
 .us Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .vg Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, it must be renewed by the 20th of the month of the previous expiration month. Otherwise, after the expiration date there is a penalty.
 .ws Domain - If the Auto Renew service is not activated, there is a penalty after the 19th day.


23. Terms of use of reseller services.



In addition to the above Terms and Conditions, if the user of the service acts as a reseller of the services of easy.gr, in addition, the provisions presented below apply.


23.1 The reseller acting on behalf of the user of his service, fully agrees with the terms and conditions of easy.gr. The reseller also agrees that it will act in accordance with the terms and conditions of easy.gr as they apply at the time of entering into a business relationship between the reseller and the user of his service. The reseller is obliged to include the terms and conditions of easy.gr in the agreements with its customers. The responsibility of the service user for his domain name remains unaffected.


Easy.gr provides a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to use the Reseller API to facilitate the reseller in securing and managing Domain Names and other services on behalf of its customers.


The content that is available through the service is the property of easy.gr and is protected by copyright as well as other copyright laws. Further content on the website may be subject to additional restrictions. You agree not to duplicate, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, transmit or circulate this content through your website without the express consent of easy.gr, do not collect personal data of your customers, do not disclose personal customer data to third parties and do not misuse the system we have at your disposal.


You agree not to publish on your website or in any other document or in any other communication with your customers that you are an approved registrant of EURid, EETT or ICANN.


The Reseller is prohibited from displaying the ICANN logo or the ICANN-approved registrar on its website, unless it has written permission from ICANN to do so.


23.2 Any reseller agreement must include all ICANN provisions for approved registrants (ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement: https://www.icann.org/) and any consensus policies (ICANN Consensus Policies), and specify the sponsoring registrar or provide a way to identify the original registrar, such as via a link to the InterNIC Whois Search service.


23.3 The reseller must identify the original registrar (sponsoring registrar) if requested by the user of his service.


23.4 The Reseller must ensure that the personal information and contact information provided by the service user for any service provided to the original registrar or secured or, alternatively, displays a clear note to its customers when using it. that no guarantee is used for their data. In the case of a guarantee, the guarantee agreement shall at least ensure that the data will be provided to the registrar in the event of breach of the agreement by the reseller and that such breach is detrimental to consumers or the common good. If ICANN has a reseller identification program as described above, and the reseller meets the criteria set out in the relevant ICANN regulations, the reseller may apply for such recognition.


23.5 The Reseller is obliged to provide a link to the ICANN page, as described in detail in paragraph 3.15 of the ICANN provisions for approved registrants (ICANN Rsign Accreditation Agreement).


23.6 By registering as a reseller for domain names and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), you represent your agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.


All the services of easy.gr can also be offered as resale products.


You and / or your customers may be the direct users of the services. In addition, your customers may be resellers of your services ("your resellers").


The reseller is obliged to have an order approved by the user of his service, in order to be allowed to act on behalf of the user of his service. Every order from the reseller for a user of the service should be clear and provable.



a) The reseller is obliged to inform the user of his service about the issues related to his domain name and to take the necessary actions on behalf of the user of his service.


b) easy.gr never exposes its reseller and never communicates with the reseller's customer unless there is a special reason such as a legal violation, violation of ethical rules, litigation, etc. .


c) The Reseller undertakes to include in its own Terms and Conditions, that the Reseller (acting as a supplier / registrar for his customers) has the permission of the user of his service to sign for registrations and transfers domain names as well as to modify the details about the domain names, as defined in the General Terms and Conditions. These rules also apply to other products or services provided by easy.gr.


d) If the reseller requests a domain name for which a home address is required, the reseller should provide such an address.


23.8 The reseller is responsible for providing search and registration services for domain names, pricing and technical support to its customers as well as resellers under its account. Easy.gr provides support 24 hours a day via email and during the company's operating hours in all other ways.


Easy.gr can, but is not required to, provide support directly to the reseller's customers. If easy.gr receives messages from your registrars or from third parties regarding services provided by the reseller account, easy.gr is responsible for forwarding these communications directly to the reseller.


If easy.gr considers that you are providing insufficient support to its customers (consequently, for example, an excessive number of support requests directly from your customers), then this can be considered as a breach of contract by the reseller.


You commit that intentionally or not you will not misuse the service infrastructure. "Misuse" means any action that degrades the service to other users.


23.9 The Reseller is fully responsible for all financial consequences, arising from any order, and for any other financial consequences arising from the Terms of Use.


Easy.gr reserves the right to suspend the service or part thereof or to exclude the use or access to it if any of the following cases apply:


a) If you fail as a reseller to pay any debts to easy.gr. Easy.gr has the ability to terminate the services provided to the reseller account in case it is unable to cover its debts, within the specific agreement dates.


b) If from excessive use or abuse of the services or the technology of the service you create a problem in other users of other services and the system of easy.gr


c) If you use easy.gr availability tools or other technologies and tools, then all your registration must be done through easy.gr. Otherwise easy.gr reserves the right to suspend the service to the reseller.


d) If you state on its website that you are an approved registrar by EETT or Eurid or ICANN.


23.10 The reseller agrees to keep the financial terms of this contract confidential.


a) Easy.gr, in no case will it be exposed to you or your business, for any accidental, consequential, special, or punitive losses or lost profits or rights arising from this agreement or any services provided, whether it is breach of the authorization or any obligation arising therefrom. Easy.gr in certain cases advertises third party products or allows service providers to advertise their products and services on its website.


b) It also enters into partnerships or alliances with various suppliers from time to time, in order to directthe provision of these products and services. However, the reseller acknowledges and agrees that easy.gr. in no event shall he be liable for the products or services of any third party, nor shall he be liable and exposed to the reseller or any third party for any claims arising out of the use of such products or services.


c) Easy.gr now offers resellers new discount packages and prices described in the link easy.gr/el/badges.If the reseller uses a different billing contact then all discounts, offers or benefits are automatically canceled and the original list price is applied. According to this page, a reseller with discounts is defined as a user with >11 Domain Names or purchases >€300/year or someone with a special written agreement that includes different criteria.


d) Easy.gr. in its sole discretion, may choose to change the terms, conditions and operation of this website and service at any time. By using this service you set aside any rights or claims you may have against easy.gr.

e) The reseller has read, understands and agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement, as well as any additional rules or policies that may be enacted by easy.gr. from Times to times. This agreement, as well as any additional rules and policies of easy.gr., together with all additional modifications, constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between the reseller and easy.gr. regarding the use of the services, while dispelling and regulating all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications.

23.11 Especially for resale services domain - hosting - website - telephony


The term "Unlimited" refers to the maximum limit of the service that the Server can serve (eg number of emails, data transmission, domain number, etc.) and depends on the specific service / product as well as the availability of system resources.

24. Terms of use of telephony services. Apart from the above Terms and Conditions, if the user of the service uses the telephony service of easy.gr, in addition, the provisions presented below apply.

24.1 The user who has purchased a telephone number of a country, is obliged to send documents requested by the official body in order to activate his number. The user is obliged to request this form in any way either by sending a question to support@easy.gr or by contacting easy.gr.

25. Google Adwords coupon terms of use

25.1 easy.gr cooperates with Google and provides discount coupons for the use of the Google Ads service to all customers who place at least one order in the easy.gr system regardless of the amount. Each customer is entitled to only one coupon. By using the Google Ads service, the Google terms and conditions found here apply. https://www.google.com/intl/el_gr/ads/coupons/terms/

26. Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ICANN ERRP)
  1. Prior to expiration, Easy.gr will notify the registered name holder of the expiration at least two times. The first time approximately one month prior to expiration (26-35 days prior to expiration is considered compliant) and a final time approximately one week prior to expiration (4-10 days prior to expiration is considered compliant).
  2. Post expiration Easy.gr will send a notification 24 hours after the expiration of the domain name. After 48 hours of expiration, Easy.gr will interrupt ALL services as required by ICANN consensus policy.
  3. Easy.gr will display a branded reseller web page that the domain name is expired and contains renewal instructions.
  4. All e-mail and communications on paper send to the registered domain name holder will be stored for 3 years for auditing purposes. Expiry notifications and or logs of the notifications to the registered domain name holder for at least 3 years.
  5. You must permit the registered name holder to redeem a deleted registration during the redemption grace period if a redemption grace period is offered by the respective registry.
  6. You must make the renewal fees reasonably available to registered name holders and prospectively registered name holders at the time of registration of a gTLD (at a minimum, these fees must be included on your website and a link to these fees must be included in your registration agreements). Restore fees have to be reasonable.
  7. The above is a summary of the ERRP terms. The entire ERRP can be viewed here: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/consensus-policies/errp
  8. For gTLDs that are subject to ICANN's Redemption Grace Period, Easy.gr charges a 250 USD restore fee.

Additional ICANN provisions referencing through from the ICANN RAA 2013 The Registered Name Holder shall provide to Registrar accurate and reliable contact details and correct and update them within seven (7) days of any change during the term of the Registered Name registration, including: the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the Registered Name Holder; name of authorized person for contact purposes in the case of an Registered Name Holder that is an organization, association, or corporation; and the data elements listed in Subsections, and A Registered Name Holder's willful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, its willful failure to update information provided to Registrar within seven (7) days of any change, or its failure to respond for over fifteen (15) days to inquiries by Registrar concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with the Registered Name Holder's registration shall constitute a material breach of the Registered Name Holder-registrar contract and be a basis for suspension and/or cancellation of the Registered Name registration. Any Registered Name Holder that intends to license use of a domain name to a third party is nonetheless the Registered Name Holder of record and is responsible for providing its own full contact information and for providing and updating accurate technical and administrative contact information adequate to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the Registered Name. A Registered Name Holder licensing use of a Registered Name according to this provision shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the Registered Name, unless it discloses the current contact information provided by the licensee and the identity of the licensee within seven (7) days to a party providing the Registered Name Holder reasonable evidence of actionable harm. Registrar shall provide notice to each new or renewed Registered Name Holder stating: The purposes for which any Personal Data collected from the applicant are intended; The intended recipients or categories of recipients of the data (including the Registry Operator and others who will receive the data from Registry Operator); Which data are obligatory and which data, if any, are voluntary; How the Registered Name Holder or data subject can access and, if necessary, rectify the data held about them. The Registered Name Holder shall consent to the data processing referred to in Subsection The Registered Name Holder shall represent that notice has been provided equivalent to that described in Subsection to any third-party individuals whose Personal Data are supplied to Registrar by the Registered Name Holder, and that the Registered Name Holder has obtained consent equivalent to that referred to in Subsection of any such third-party individuals. Registrar shall agree that it will not process the Personal Data collected from the Registered Name Holder in a way incompatible with the purposes and other limitations about which it has provided notice to the Registered Name Holder in accordance with Subsection above. Registrar shall agree that it will take reasonable precautions to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The Registered Name Holder shall represent that, to the best of the Registered Name Holder's knowledge and belief, neither the registration of the Registered Name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used infringes the legal rights of any third party. For the adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from use of the Registered Name, the Registered Name Holder shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registered Name Holder's domicile and (2) where Registrar is located. The Registered Name Holder shall agree that its registration of the Registered Name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to any Specification or Policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with any Specification or Policy, (1) to correct mistakes by Registrar or the Registry Operator in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the Registered Name. The Registered Name Holder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Registry Operator and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of or related to the Registered Name Holder's domain name registration.

27. Verification of Contact Information (ICANN)

There are several reasons that Easy.gr has to contact you to verify your contact information. Some of the most common are:

Whois inaccurancy compliant
The Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) requires that registrars take reasonable steps to investigate and correct inaccurate Whois data. This can include contacting you to request verification of your identity and contact information.

2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA)
The Whois Accuracy Program Specification of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) requires registrars to validate and verify certain Whois data fields, which may include contacting you by phone, email or postal mail. Registrars must suspend or delete domain names that are not timely verified.

Whois Data Reminder Policy (WDRP)
ICANN requires all ICANN-accredited Registrars to formally remind their customers once a year to review and update the contact information for their domain name. Read more at ICANN's WDRP FAQs For Domain Name Registrants.

Financial transactions
Registrars may contact you to verify your identity or contact information as needed to process payments.

Domain transfer matters
Registrars may request verification of contact information only when there is a reasonable dispute regarding the identity of the Registered Name Holder (or the Administrative Contact) of a domain name regarding an FOA, or the identity of the Registered Name Holder regarding an Auth-Code.
